Fengshuiservicesisalabourintensivejob.Everyfengshuijob,we needtogoback,sitdownandwritetheclientasuggestionreport becausewetreateverycaseasanimportantonenomatterhow smalltheyare.Wemakesurethattheclientfollowsupquestionswill beansweredinatimelymannerwheneverpossible.Everybazi enquirytakehalfadaytopreparebeforeourGeomancermeetupthe clienttoanswertheircriticalquestionsfortheircycle.Allconsultation isconfidentialandwedonotsellcommercialfengshuiitemsto clients . Master Lim is a Singapore fengshui master .
“Contact Us Now - Whatapp 90264251”
Open from 09:00 - 1700We work on weekday and weekend and schedule is subject to availability , advisable to contact at least a week before to make sure that our Geomancer , Master Lim, can make it to your schedule to meet up with you . All works will be confidential and no hidden costs on the projects - Fengshui Master Lim .
FengshuiisreferredtoasChinesegeomancywherechi/yinandyangarecalculatedbasedonfengshuicycleandbalanceouteachin fengshuiresolvingtheunitshaqi.Inthetrade,thecorefiveelementsarefire/earth/metal/water/woodareusetobalanceaharmony spaceintheflyingstarschoolofthoughts(whichisalsonamedasXuanKong).TofengshuimasterintheXuanKongschoolofthoughts thedifferentsectorsofthebaguamaprepresentsgoodandbadgermsonly,Ifyouwanttofindoutyourhousebaguamapsectorsdetails, contact our Fengshui Master - Master Eric Lim . He is a Singapore experience fengshui master with 17 years of experience in Geomancy .
Singapore Fengshui Master - Fengshui Xuan Kong Sect and The Four PillarsCopyright @ Fengshui Master Lim. All consulting info will be strictly confidential.
A Fengshui Sharing Session by Master Lim at Sun Yat Sen Nanyang Memorial Hall During The Chinese Lunar Month -Invitation by The Singapore National Heritage Board
Seek Your True North
•Geomancy Name Selection For Baby and Adult - $238. Five names will be given for your baby names. Paper explanation on the name selected will be given. More Info >> •Selection of Auspicious date for your ROM and also the customary dinner date for your wedding - $238 , Will provide support if there are changes on your date arrangement with restaurant and ROM arrangements. .We need both of your birth details . Paper explanation will be given for the dates selection and also steps will be provided for the actual day what to do. Will provide support for the couples date selection support as usual booking is not that easy for good dates. A whole year dates will be provided for you . We can also do calculation for non current year date at $438. The price is higher due to time needed to do the calculations >•Luck Consultation using the calculations for your birthchart . We can do a Whatapp video conference. It will analyse the ten year luck cycles for you and what to do take and what is the true north for your direction ahead. Costs - $428 per pax (we can do zoom session with overseas client)It is a one lunar year service and during this year, you can approach Master Lim for advise and what to do during the challenges facing this year. Consult on your future career luck before your change job or make important decisions in your life . More Info >> • Housing Development Board : - 3 rooms - $588 - 4 rooms - $698 - 5 rooms - $798 - EC/EA - $1088 - Jumbo Unit - $1388• Condo Unit : - one room unit - $888 - two rooms unit - $1388 - three rooms unit- $1588 - four rooms unit - $1788 - Penthouse unit - $1988 - Apartment unit - $1788We also do selection of houses for clients based on principles of good fengshui calculation A complimentary brief analysis will be given for 2 pax for the fengshui client.You can ask whateveryou want for your luck ahead during the fengshui audit . A fengshui paperexplanation will be given for the fengshui audit. More Info >>• Landed - call to quote and price quoted will be according to size • Office and Building Commercial Fengshui - $1888 and above• Overseas Projects - we will travel and meet you - call for quote • Fengshui Events - call for quote• Tomb Fengshui - yin zhai fengshui - call for quote . More info >>
Singapore Fengshui Master - Geomancer Eric LimGraduate of National University of Singapore (B Arts)
“Leverage on Fengshui Knowledge and change the path ahead !” - Fengshui Master Lim
MasterLimisaSingaporeFengshuiMaster with 17 years of experience . Beside Singapore,healsotravelintheregionto service his clients . In his consultations, he doesnotsellcommercialfengshuiitemsto clients . His clients include corporate and C/Dlevelofpersonal.Hegraduatedfrom the National University of Singapore in 90s andmajoringinChineseStudies.His anothermajorisEconomic.Hehas predictedcorrectlyanumberofworld events - please see his facebook .
Open from 09:00 - 1700We work on weekday and weekend and schedule is subject to availability , advisable to contact at least a week before to make sure that our Geomancer , Master Lim, can make it to your schedule to meet up with you . All works will be confidential and no hidden costs on the projects - Fengshui Master Lim .
•Geomancy Name Selection For Baby and Adult - $238 . Five names will be given for your baby names. More Information >>•Selection of Auspicious date for your ROM and also the customary dinner date for your wedding - $238 .We need the birth details for both of you. For non current year the fee is 428.More Information >>•Luck Consultation using the calculations for your birthchart . During this Covid 19 lockdown, we can do a Whatapp video conference. It will analyse the ten year luck cycles for you and what to do take and what is the true north for your direction ahead. Costs - $428 per pax (we can do Zoom session for overseas clients )It is a one year service and during this year, you can approach Master Lim for what to do during the challenges facing this year.More Information >>• Housing Development Board : - 3 rooms - $588 - 4 rooms - $698 - 5 rooms - $798 - EC/EA- $1088- Jumbo - $1388• Condo Unit :- one room unit - $888- two room unit - $1388- three unit - $1588- four unit - $1788- Penthouse - $1988 - Apartments- $1788We also do selection of houses for clients who want to leverageon fengshui principles to find a good house for the next fengshuicycle Will give 2 complimentary brief analysis for fengshui client. You can ask whateveryou want for your luck ahead during the fengshui audit . More Information >>• Landed - call to quote and price is charged according to land size• Office and Building - $1888 and above• Overseas Projects - we will travel and meet you • Fengshui Events - call for quote• Tomb Fengshui - yin zhai - call for quote . More Information >>
Singapore Fengshui Master - Xuan Kong Fengshui and The Four PillarsCopyright @ Fengshui Master Lim
Fengshui,alsoknownasChinesegeomancy,isapseudoscientific traditionalpracticeoriginatingfromancientChina,whichclaimstouse energyforcestoharmonizeindividualswiththeirsurrounding environment.Thetermfengshuiliterallytranslatesas"wind-water"in English.FengshuiisoneoftheFiveArtsofChineseMetaphysics, classifiedasphysiognomy(observationofappearancesthrough formulasandcalculations).Thefengshuipracticediscusses architectureintermsof"invisibleforces"thatbindtheuniverse,earth, and humanity together, known as qi.
Fengshui ExplainedWhatisfengshui?Fengshuiisanancientsciencewhereitisoften appliedinhomeandofficedesigntocreateabalanceandharmonious environmenttostrengthenandenhancetheowner'sgoodhealth/ prosperity/positiverelationship.Itisthestudyofthereactionofchi/ yinandyang/fiveelements(water/wood/fire/earth/metal)inan environmentusingthebaguamaptoanalysethechemicalreactionof alltheseelements.Itispasseddownfromancientandauthentic fengshui does not ask you to buy expensive fengshui items .
Our Fengshui Master MasterLimisaSingaporeFengshuiMasterwith17yearsofexperience .BesideSingapore,healsotravelintheregiontoservicehisclients.In hisconsultations,hedoesnotsellcommercialfengshuiitemstoclients .HisclientsincludecorporateandC/Dlevelofpersonal.Hegraduated fromtheNationalUniversityofSingaporein90sandmajoringin ChineseStudies.HisanothermajorisEconomic.Hehaspredicted correctly a number of world events - please see his facebook .